STM’s Ada-class Corvette Wins Malaysia’s LMSB2 Bid
March 16,2024
By:Yulian Ardiansyah
Ada-class corvette manufactured by the Turkish defence company Savunma Teknolojieri Muhendislik (STM), appeared to have won the bid for Malaysia’s Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2 (LMSB2) programme. This was indicated in a letter from Malaysia’s Defence Minister, DS Khaled Nordin, to the country’s parliament on 13 March.
The letter outlined that the Malaysian Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) will proceed with the acquisition using the Government-to-Government (G to G) approach. The negotiation will be conducted directly with STM, a company associated with the Turkish Government.
It was also mentioned that Malaysia’s Ministry of Finance (MOF) gave its approval on 18 January and that MINDEF sent a Letter of Intent (LOI) to STM on 5 March. The letter further explained that detailed negotiations regarding the specifications offered are ongoing between the Ministry of Defence, specifically the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN), and STM. Price negotiations will follow before finalising this procurement.
In the first phase of the LMSB2 programme, Malaysia will acquire three Ada-class corvettes, with an additional eight to be acquired in the second phase. It’s currently uncertain whether all of these vessels will be constructed by STM in Turkey or if some will be built in Malaysia instead.
The Ada-class is a type of patrol and Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) corvette which is also equipped with advanced anti-aircraft missiles. With a displacement of around 2,400 tonnes, it has a length of 99.44 m, a 14.42 m beam, and a draft of 3.59 m. Powered by a 31,640 kW (42,430 hp) RENK CODAG engine, it has a maximum speed of 30 knots and a maximum range of 6,500 km (3,500 nm) under its cruising speed of 15 knots. Crewed with 93 personnel, it has a maximum endurance of 21 days.
Armed with a retractable 76 mm Oto Melara Rapid main cannon, and two Aselsan STAMP Remote Controlled Weapon Stations (RCWSs) each equipped with a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, it’s also armed with 8 Atmaca or Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles, twin Mk.32 torpedo launchers for Mk.46 torpedoes for ASW, and a space for either one RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) launcher, MBDA Albatross, or MBDA MICA VL Surface to Air Missile (SAM) installation – depending on the configuration.
The Ada-class corvette is also equipped with a helipad and a hangar to store and operate a medium-sized ASW or transport helicopter as well as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
Five Ada-class corvettes are now serving in the Turkish Naval Forces. Four of its derived designs, known as Babur-class corvettes, are now active in the Pakistan Navy. One of two that the Ukrainian Navy ordered will soon join the country’s navy this year, while the other is currently being built in Ukraine under STM’s supervision.